To express any action in speech, usually to continue later, or to show haste toward something.
Peter was expected to go home, but instead he said he'd bizzle back at his mother later, and go to the hood with his homies.
by ~1Superchick5~ May 22, 2010
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To be beatiful to look at, to be very hot or extremely cool
by Tommi December 6, 2004
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A type of small, odd grey cat, which, has a pair of claws capable only of clawing into the carcass' of many a badger. These badgers, who may put up a fight against the behemoth bizzle, will often fail due to his immense power.
Josh: AHH! The Bizzle has my eyes Jerry!

Jerry: *walks away*
by soopergrover May 4, 2004
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cool, hip, really bangin
that jacket is bizzle
by ross September 4, 2004
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A word that can be used as a sign of confirmation or excitement.
Lets go for a pint,



We just won £5 on a scrach card. BIZZZLE!!!
by Turnup BDizzle! August 21, 2009
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to get very emotional after drinking, to profusely cry and hit urself in the face after a couple rounds of beerpong, to turn ur friends living room into a glass case of emotion after getting a couple of former love's text messages.
about an hour into the night he started to bizzle
by clintographer May 23, 2008
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