A truck full of sluts wearing daisy duke shorts and wife betters. Out on the town looking to get laid after they've drank too much. They don't care what the guy's look like as long as he can bottom out.
follow that Texas tahoe. I'm gonna get laid
by Texmexi April 10, 2018
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Synonym for cop, officer, undercover-cop.
"Die Tahos suchen mich" ,"Taho´s are looking for me"
by N030 December 23, 2022
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When Matties dreads hang down past his ass creating a clumping dingle berry affect that will stain ur soul
When illy and ric were together they couldn't get enough of Matties Tahoe mudflaps
by Simplejacked January 14, 2023
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Tahor (Hebrew for pure) + hoe
meaning someone who puts on an image of being holy, pure, and righteous, but is deep-down a hoe
Noa: Wow, Sarah seems like such a nice girl! She's always doing such nice things
Julia: Yeah, she might seem like that but she's a downright Tahoe
Noa: Ugh, Tahoes are the worst. They really get your hopes up
by PSEUDONYM123PSEUDONYM December 21, 2016
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Noun: An individual who routinely takes the most dubious and visceral shits.
“He clogged two toilets in only a week, that guys is a certified Tahoe Steamer.”
by Jewish bob the builder July 24, 2023
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When you have to shit really bad but only a small amount of poop comes out
Dude, I had to poop so bad but only a Tahoe Nugget came out
by Biggest Jeremy April 10, 2017
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