Pretentious, obnoxious music magazine placed on the Earth to suck up to the Strokes. Also called "St.Anger" one of the years best, so there ya go.
Spin Magazine: For the man/woman with no musical taste
by Dagon January 31, 2005
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Used at rap-offs when the DJ spins the record, therefore starting the raps.
by lilknockout298739 January 29, 2005
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To Sit on a guy's dick and spin.
Man she likes to spin so much! She is such a spinner
by Lola January 1, 2004
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A rather uncomfortable aeronautical maneuver. When in an airplane, if you fly too slow and the wing gets to the wrong angle in relation to the relative wind, you will stall. If the rudder is moved in the wrong way during that stall, the airplane will turn and go into a spin.

Part of a pilot's training is to learn how to get out of stalls and spins, as they can be deadly if not stopped.
Man, I'm gonna hurl. I did eight spins today and I'm really getting dizzy. Can we go do some other maneuver next time?
by Athene Airheart May 15, 2004
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The act of adding tobacco to marijuana to make it burn better for smoking
"Do you have any spin?"
"I didn't add any spin to this jay sorry"
by some guy122234 April 2, 2009
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A very attractive "petite" girl that you could "spin" on your penis
by Chino December 14, 2003
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