One of the cast members of the original series Jersey Shore. The 4'9 tall guidette who loves juiceheads and pickles. When something makes her upset she goes "Waaaa"
JWOWW:Snooki what's wrong?
Snooki:Emilio just told me he fucked a girl!
JWOWW: That's fucked up
Snooki: Waaaaa!!!
by Deztiny October 18, 2010
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Main Entry: Snoo· kie
Pronunciation: \sə-noo-key-\
Function: noun, adjective
Date: 2009

: relating to or being a dirty vagina : maintaining a superficial outlook esp. concerning promiscuity: extraordinary nasty and probably bad smelling up close

snoo·kie·ish adverb

— snoo·kie·d transitive verb
"Damn Regg! That snookie made my house stink!"

"Is that a snookie I smell, or did someone microwave a cat?"

"James got snookied by a prostitute at his bachelor party."
by KB5K February 3, 2010
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The past tense of the act of a woman getting banged in the face for either talking shit or being disrespectful.
Bitch, you better quiet down before you get snookied.
by rkeezy January 23, 2010
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1. A guidette oompaloompa named nicole, made famous from mtv's Jersey Shore. She was made most famous when she was clocked in the face by a juiced up guido on TV.

2. A derogatory term for a fat guidette.

3. When a man punches a woman in the face, usually after consuming many rounds of shots
1. I was watching Jersey Shore last night, Snooki was hilarious! She deep throated a pickle and then passed out.

2. (about a fat guidette) Dude she's gross, what a Snooki....

3. That punch was a cheap snooki, only assholes punch women.
by i'mthebombliketicktick January 2, 2010
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Dude, I got ripped last night and ate a whole crave case from White Castle; you shoulda seen the Snooki I pinched off this morning.
by craigerzz7 December 20, 2010
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Oompa loompa in the making.

Who's real name is:Nicole Polizzi.xD

She was subsequently parodied in the South Park episode "It's a Jersey Thing", and is frequently caricatured on Saturday Night Live by actor Bobby Moynihan.

On September 30, 2010, it was announced that Polizzi would be writing a book entitled 'A Shore Thing'. It was released in January 2011 and describes her search for love on the boardwalk.
Did you SEE that Snooki?She looks so orange.o_o
by BingbongBOOM February 28, 2011
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