"I'm off to get my knob scratched"

"what do you do for a living?
I'm a knob scratcher"
by Rangie Tom September 22, 2005
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When you are grinding with a girl, or doing any chest-to-back dance, and you get an erection that is therefore "scratching" her back. Depending on the severity of it and how intoxicated the girl is she may not feel it at all.
Ex. I popped 2 Viagra before coming to the club, girls get ready for the back scratcher.
by JayCeeDee March 5, 2015
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1. Noun. Any particularily puzzling event or object which prompts a puzzled scratch of the head.

2. Head scratch. Verb. Most common reaction when one spots a set of man boobs - especially when the man who is sporting the boobs is not exactly large or fat, and the occurance of the man boobs is puzzlesome, prompting the observer to scratch their head in curiosity

(Jeny scratches her head, looking puzzled)
"Jeny, why are you scratching your head?" asks Michelle.

"Well, look." (points toward a young man.) "He has man boobs... but he isnt fat." Jeny replies.

"Hmmm," ponders Michelle. "Thats a real Head Scratcher."
by mac n fode August 10, 2006
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A crude terminology for ones fingers, most often used by bogans or workers in a trade-type evironment.
Oi Andy, wrap your cunt scratchers around this fridge... it's fuckin heavy and i need some help lifting it
by Capalaba scum September 23, 2007
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A short skirt worn by ladies which barely covers their snatch.
See Jenny last night? She had this white cunt scratcher on, I could smell what she had for lunch!
by DAM May 8, 2006
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1. Something that makes you scratch your chin.
"My beard is a chin scratcher."

2. Something that is puzzling.

"Crafting recipes are chin scratchers"
by _honest_indian_ March 2, 2015
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