to go mud riding in your buddy's 4x4 in Douglas County, Oregon, on a Saturday because there ain't shit else to do. And the scrapping ain't done till all the Busch cans are thrown out the window.

"Hoooweeee, whatchaknowgood, son??!! I got the old man's gas card — you wanna go scrapping or what?"

"Hell yeah — But first ya gotta beer me up, bitch!"
by maynard manolo July 3, 2008
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So scrap generally means "to fight". It is frequently used in past tense rather than in proactive terms, however both are completely acceptable. In my experience in Georgia, this is a term native to Savannah - i've never met a non-Savannian who knows what it means, but this is confined to the state. So i'd attribute SAV as it's origin. Plus, it's SAV-home of Camouflage (the crazy rapper who was killed a few years ago... and who rapped about SAV).. who would expect less for the vernacular.
"My brother and i used to scrap alot when we were kids... but we're tight now"

"You wanna scrap??!?!?"

"Did you catch those two girls scrapin' in the parking lot?"
by LauLau March 8, 2006
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A word used for a sub-genre of rap music in which lyrics mean nothing and demonstrates the overuse of the word "nigga". The word scrap was formed from scrap being a synonym for trash, and the way the word contains both the words "rap" and "crap".
John: "Hey Emily, have you heard Tyga's new song?"
Emily: "No John, I don't listen to scrap."
by Lemonade69 March 31, 2013
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The og (orignal gangster) of cats. He will feed any food left out to the dog so you don't think he ate any. He will mew while you are on the phone for hours. He hates being dressed up.

He dances to music and often is tweaking when he walks into a room. He sleeps most of the day and needs to get a job. Scraps likes to roll in dirt and is always trying to escape the house. He only loves one person. Scraps is bad ass and is the og.
dude your cat is a scraps.
by kasfee May 19, 2011
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food from McDonalds. mcdonalds food is greasy and nasty.

see: scraphouse, McDonalds
guy 1: Dude, what are we gonna get for lunch?
guy 2: im broke ass poor. looks like were gonna get some scrap.
by mike July 6, 2004
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That kid sitting down Anthony Maldonado is a fucking scrap
by notascrap October 22, 2011
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