1. When someone hounds, nags or inundates you relentlessly, constantly and without any thought of self-pride

2. When someone completely depletes you of something until there is nothing left
1. My phone's nearly flat with all these cunts rinsing me!
1. If you keep rinsing me about it, I'm gonna lose my shit!

2. Oh my god, don't go after Sheldon, the crackpipe will be rinsed for sure!
2. Bags having a puff before Sheldon rinses the don
by The_A_Team July 24, 2016
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Like rinsin, but used as a more exitable expression for something what is perceived to be bangin e.g; double the rinsin value of your average rinsin value.
If you saw an attractive woman while you were cruisin, you might say to your homie,"Rinse rinse."
Ya get me?
by Danny Montana May 27, 2006
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To become overly intoxicated by consumption of alcohol.
I am hung as fuck because I got rinsed last night.
by mr_goodnuts January 12, 2005
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When another human being literally takes you for a mug and steels from you in broad daylight
Mate...you just got rinsed big time !!!
by Madmaz July 11, 2018
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To rinse or, rinsing, means participating in hardcore sexual intercourse
“Hey I’m tryna rinse you bare
by Aaaeeeeeeerrrr November 13, 2020
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To be very stoned from smoking marijuana.
Steve: 'Pass the bong, man'.
Clive: 'awwww, man, I'm rinsed'.
by cral99 April 25, 2009
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As a verb, to "rinse" is to subject someone to your clumsy sexual advances i.e. "I'm about to go rinse that blonde in the corner with reckless abandon", or enforce dominance over something or someone (can be sexual as well) i.e. "check me out while I rinse this rehabilitated wombat".

As a noun, you can refer to yourself/be referred to as a "rinser" which means you're just about the sickest or seediest dude around i.e. "yo dawg, did you see that rinser totally scheming on your 10 year old cousin?" or "I'm the #1 Rinser About Town (RAT)".

As an adjective, "rinsed" can mean you or someone else has been injured/shown up, i.e. "man it was looking good there for a while until that playa showed up and rinsed me out good".
Yo, you just got rinsed by that sick venno!

Nice one you dog act rinser.

And a quote I live my life by: "rinse, or be rinsed!"
by taylork86 June 26, 2012
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