Rebel ratty is an entity. He is beyond the level of human comprehension and appreciation. He is a solemnm, introspective and pensive young pilgrim who drifts from place to place on horseback. He is special. He is master splinter. He is.....
by Hebert George May 6, 2004
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A guy who has no friends, rapes fat slugs and is a real dick head (Avi ~ 2ft tall)
They should be labeled with a "V" on their forehead to say they are a vagrant
That guy is such a ratty boi, why would you even look at him, blud?
by 00GA B00GA June 26, 2018
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Scrawny punk (often with mohican) who comes from a well adjusted middle class family.
e.g. Denton is such ratty D, he is so ratty D. i would call him on 01865 793310, and tell him so.
by Koba June 20, 2006
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When a broad is skankily slutty and everybody knows it. Is often sung to the tune of "shake that laffy taffy"
Damn, that chick got wit two dudes this week, she's such a ratty tatty.
(to music) - Tap that ratty tatty, that ratty tatty uh!
Ratty tatty got vagitis.
by Linda yu June 5, 2006
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one of the dirtiest and sickest players in the NHL

The act of letting a girl take a dump in your mouth during intercourse.
Man Ratty Patty had such a great game last night I had to let her ratty patty me while bangin her!
by redwings17 February 3, 2010
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A day to celebrate and honor your ratty. To nurture and cherish your current one or begin regrowing a new ratty if misfortune has taken the life of a previous one.
Typically celebrated on the 23rd of November.
"Omg its Ratty Revival Day! Don't forget to condition your ratty!"
by lozza1234 November 23, 2011
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matt donovan the most sexiest daddy alive. can fuck me hard and i would say thank you. such a ratty daddy.
matty ratty daddy + me = ❤️
by ur.mumx April 5, 2022
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