A heterosexual sexual encounter within which the male has sexual interactions with all three of the woman's orifices, i.e. fellatio, vaginal sex and anal sex. Also known as the "Three Ring Circus".
I would love to Three Hole Punch her all night
by BlackTeeBandit November 11, 2013
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a figure of speech used any time a man knowingly does something "semi-manly", or deemed as feminine. The idea is, the more holes you punch, the less "manly" you are.
At the Bar:
Man 1: "I'll have a Newcastle."
Man 2: "I'll have a Jack and Coke."
Man 3: "I'll try a Cosmopolitan."

Man 1 to Man 3: "Make sure you punch a hole in your man card by the time the night is over, you pussy."

On a "guy trip":
Man 1: "Why the fuck are you wearing a fanny pack?"
Man 2: "It holds all my shit"
Man 1 to Man 2: "Punch another hole in your man card for that one, bitch."
by Surf City Bum July 16, 2010
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Treating your lady to having 3 various bodily parts (usually dick, tongue, and fingers/hand?) inserted inside of her during sex into 3 different orifices at the same time.
mmm I Three Hole Punched my lady friend last night. ;) ya know... your sister.
by §eth October 13, 2004
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To cough, fart, and sneeze at the same time.
Damn I was three hole punching earlier.
by seriouslynonames February 17, 2015
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It’s that game where I chose which 3 holes I'm going to punch you in; you guess which hole I'm going to punch you in 1st!
I work hard, and play hard; real hard. Let’s play 3 Hole Punch!
by Fionna Schwab May 17, 2023
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