someone who buys alcohol for underaged persons.
"we gotta find someone to pull for us friday night!"
by ashy December 17, 2004
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To attempt to attract a member of the oppostie sex
by 9Squirrels January 22, 2004
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managing to get to some milestone related to sexual relations - may be a kiss, a phone number etc or full lown sex.
i told you i'd pull twenty guys this month!
by elucida June 18, 2003
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The foam on top of a beer after pouring.
Pete: Hey DAYN, want a BEER?
Dan: Sure Pete, will you pour it for me?
Pete: SURE DAYN! (pours)
Dan: Check out the pull on that thing.
by IneedAbagOFpeanuts April 24, 2010
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A form of surprise. When a man is about to ejaculate inside female host. He quickly uses the Pull In method which is opposite of Pull Out. Instead of pulling out his dick from the poontang at the last second he puts in his dick at the last second and wraps his legs around the victim so she can not escape. Resulting in unwanted pregnancy and possibly could be defined as rape.
So if your friend said he used the "Pull In" method last night, quickly grab the nearest phone and call 911.
by Milf Lover69 April 28, 2016
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South African slang. To invite someone, or to arrive
"Hey, I hear you're having a braai at your spot"

"That's right boet, pull in!"

by TheDuce June 27, 2006
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