to be cute with someone, hug, kiss, cuddle, lay under blanket, have sex, be sweet
I want to go poof with my sweet boyfriend.
by Eleonora German December 6, 2007
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1. A dismissive term. Used similarly to the way whatever was used in the late 90s, albeit, used in a less flippant manner.

2. An all-encompassing word oft used in response to confrontation. Alludes to/implicates apathy, disaffection, resistance, and noncompliance. It relates ones commitment to achieving a goal or persisting forward action despite whatever obstacle might have prevented said goal from being achieved.)

* Usage is often accompanied by a hand motion similar to that of the Italian belisima hand gesture, or the Californian talk to the hand hand gesture.
"The movie is rated R, do you still want to go?"
"Poof. We'll sneak in."

"Gosh, history is hard."
"Poof! We're out of class, so it's out of my mind ."
by moroneywobbles1 May 3, 2010
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"Promise On Our Friendship."

Statement made when judging a friends response to determine rather they are telling truth or going to go through on a committed action.
Friend 1: let me know you go and get anything to eat later.
Friend 2: I doubt I will, but if I do I got you.
Friend 1: POOF?
Friend 2: Yes, POOF
by Red Beard 6 pack August 31, 2015
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A strange, awkward joke or misunderstanding, often relating to romantic involvement.
Everyone thought Santiago and Lynne got to third base, but it turned out to only be a Poof.
by Maddiethegreat May 20, 2006
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*seeing someone with a cloud by their butt in the winter* OMG did that guy poof?!?!?
by Binosbiwi January 12, 2009
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An African- American slang term describing someone who lacks skill to perform a certain activity. The word "Poof" is derived from the Perrine 'hoods of Miami, Florida. It is mainly used to describe individuals who are terrible in sports, such as a Wide Receiver who can't catch a pass, or a point guard that has handles like a baby.
Man, that boy Joey is STRAIGHT POOF.
by The Anti Poof January 13, 2010
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