Tall obnoxious harassing thing with a round head and dobideh
by SEONGHWAN SUX May 17, 2021
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when something is very hot..like pepper..
That is soooo peppered!
by JenSanders June 10, 2006
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A term used to describe a very annoying teammate, friend, co-worker, ect.
"Gosh, that freakin pepper is anoying!"
by berg404 October 8, 2011
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To be richer than you usually are.
Bob "Mate, my student loan just came through, im peppered"
Kyle "Awesome"
by gastricpenguin January 18, 2009
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the act of performing oral sex while using both hand as if you were putting pepper on a salad.

also, to stroke someone's ego rather excessively.
She got intense with it in bed last night, she even peppered me.

Guy 1: Man did you see that Dunk by LeBron?

Guy2: Yea it was cool.
Guy1: just cool?! Did you the way he took off, then the landing. The whole play was flawless. He's such a phenomenal player.
Guy2: So just gon pepper LeBron while I'm standing here?
by ThaPrinceofZumunda October 18, 2011
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