he has a tiny wang an an hes always talkin redneck slang his chick has this black the growin out of her cheek it makes me wanna get out the tweezers an give it a little twekk
shut up guys megans so hot an i love her som much but shes 14 an im 18 right thier is pullin the kyle peet
by cody/cricket April 2, 2005
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The Act of puking in the toilet then taking a shit mixing it with the vomit.
“Dude I just made some peet stew in bathroom.”
by Peet stew June 18, 2019
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he is a FAKE TEACHER and he does not let u say ¨thats what she said
Mr. Peet is gay and a salmon.ALSO has three nipples
by Twitch Sweat December 6, 2019
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The action of pointing to the peace sign, when wanting to leave a situation of some sort.
At an awkward dinner table:
Brother 1: Yo dude, lets peet rose (while pointing to peace sign)

Brother: iight, peet rose
by jservwithdarock December 10, 2009
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A condition met when one gets so intoxicated from alcohol that the person loses control of the function of their eye and it closes. The other eye just kind of floats around, attatching itself to what ever it focuses on. This condition often occurs during the minor stages of adulthood.
Laura jake was so drunk off of Aftershock and Super Pepppermint Schnapps she got all Peet-Ah-Toe-Eyed and fell through the hole in Timmy's porch! Boy was he mad about his porch. Then he outlawed the use of Aftershock and Peppermint Schnapps at his house.
by Hcaz Sakraf February 23, 2008
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When someone smokes a cigarette, cigar, and weed within 30 minutes
Joe pulled a 3 peet by lighting a cigar, weed, and a stogie at his sons baseball game.
by Marc237 March 31, 2016
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A shit-tonne of chickens found in a small confined area, often a hole in the ground.
Traditional Mexican way to store livestock in limited space.
"Jose has 49 cheekens in his cheeken peet."
by BlackPaper October 17, 2012
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