Another name for the game where you have a bunch of dots on a piece of paper and you and your opponent take turns trying to make squares, one line at a time.
Also called squares
I've always wanted to play strip dots, but no one ever wants to play with me. Maybe I should start hanging with more girls.
by Morpheus August 3, 2004
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The excessive amount of "dot dot dots" used in a relatively short area of text. Some strands are contagious when replyed to.
"I would so love to come... But i have to feed my dog... Sorry..."

(dot dot dot syndrome is only visible in digital messages.)
by James Saunders April 18, 2007
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a person with many personalities. doesnt suffer from bipolarness(if thats a word) or schizophrenia but can be supper bubbly and then if someone make them mad.... its on and poppin!! Being a dot is having a style...that is exquisite........having a smile is charming.......being dot is recognizing the real from the fake... .. the gucci from the gacci... the iphone from the What it means to be dot is being a rebel. Meaning standing for what u believe in even if others dont. Also means major flirt. Point blank, it takes alot to be dot.... and for that.....a unique and a rare human being
Dots can also be mistaken for hoe's because of their flirtatious ways.
Camrey: You see her over there flirting with all those guys?
Jasmine: Yeah. Bet shes a Dot...
Camrey: She is deffinately a Dot
by DatyBabie13 June 2, 2011
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Another word for nipples -- either male or female.
Her bikini top came off when she jumped in the pool and everybody got a glimpse of her dots.
by England phi beta gamma January 27, 2008
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medical slang/jocularity for "Dead on the Spot", corresponds to DOA
Doctor rushes into Emergency, "I heard there was a big bus crash - can I help?"
Nurse: "Only if you brought a mop, there were nothing but DOTS."

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada May 22, 2008
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To hit on, spit game, focus your attention on one person in particular.
"Look at him, dotting on that one chick with the lazy eye the whole night. He must be desperate."
by mmeeeeooooowwww May 1, 2010
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