A hangover so absolutely colossal, your insides begin to go through a process of nuclear fission.

This is achieved one way.
You are required to get hammered at a party so horribly you remain drunk until the next day, only to attend the next party of THAT day and get even more hammered until you pass out, only to wake up to the worst hangover in the universe.
Person 1: "Ready for a banger tonight?"
Person 2: "Fuck yea, I'm gonna get so wasted, it'll be a nuclear hangover!"
by ToastedDingleBerry August 21, 2018
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A hour long waltz in which the victor is the one that:

1. Struck first
2. Had more nuclear weapons
3. Had more nuclear submarines in firing distance of enemy cities

Note that this victory is temporary because soon after a "victor" is declared we all start dying from atmospheric fallout.
A socialist war, because everyone on the planet becomes insanely equal.
by Elitist December 18, 2003
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A nuclear turtle refers to a nuclear turd that won't quite launch. The missile is armed, the silo doors are open, but instead of launching, the head of the nuclear turd peeks out, much like a turtle in its shell. At this point, the nuclear turd has morphed into a nuclear turtle.
The silo doors are open, but my nuclear turd won't launch, looks like I've got a nuclear turtle.

I've been waiting on this nuclear turd for half an hour, I guess its now officially a nuclear turtle.
by Dr. Strangedump October 18, 2010
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the most extreme version of a hot take. something that almost nobody except the most insane people would ever agree with
"The man was arguing for pedophilia being legal. This isn't even a hot take anymore, it's a god damn nuclear take"
by Yellowpig10 August 30, 2019
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1. An extremely smelly, gross, vile, possibly radioactive, dirty vagina that has been stretched beyond belief. Overflowing with semen from multiple men and some horses.
2. A dirty whore with said vagina.
1. "That bitch had such a nuclear envelope that I wouldn't even touch her with a 10 foot pole."
2. "I'm not putting my dick anywhere near that nuclear envelope!"
by FBAC if you DEFC April 14, 2010
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Really, really, REALLY bad AIDS. Just the worst. The type you get from being gangbanged by 7 HIV positive Russian men.
Jon had group sex with a homeless man, a zombie hooker, and a rabid squirrel, and now he has nuclear aids.
by Quintagram August 11, 2017
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