Someone who likes to touch, or at least try and touch kids.
Person 1 - "Hey did you hear about Elf!?"
Person 2 - "No, why?"
Person 1 - "He tried it on with that 14 year old and he's like 18/19!"
Person 2 - "Oh my god! What a fucking nonce!"
by GetToTheChoppa September 8, 2013
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A word for nice people in britain. When you want to compliment a man in britain, you must call him a nonce. Men in britain get mad at the use of it because its too kind.
John: Your a nonce, sir!
Mr. Smith: Well thank you, john! I’ll tell your mum of this!
John: That would be a pleasure!
*mister smith rings johns mum up and later does her*
by Browhoisusingbobthedude June 17, 2023
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“Max your dad sits at the top of the stairs and pretends he’s on the chase the silly nonce”
by MrTinyKnob March 8, 2021
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watch out for uncle vic he's a nonse that diddles kiddies
by edna cushion October 25, 2003
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A mincing boy-hungry paedophile
She was 14!!!!!!! You fucking NONCE!
by m_man1401 April 27, 2004
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