"I'm going to Pepper Spray that Wednesday Nighter if she doesn't leave me a lone."
by DonRurs August 18, 2011
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1. when you have a party and not fall asleep.

2. When you study all night.

3. When you have sex all night.
1. Man I pulled a all-nighter with the power of caffenine.

2.I had to study all night.

3. My gf and I had hot sex all night.
by ninja4 March 16, 2005
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The combination of an all nighter tag teamed in with playing endless hours of League of Legends.
Dude I am so sure I am going to do a 2k at practice today. We pulled a LoL-nighter last night and I can hardly keep my eyes open let alone exercise
by evanraiN May 15, 2011
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The best thing ever! You drink energy drinks, play video games, go outside, surf the web, watch TV, and other things! It's fun with a friend.
2: Do you wanna pull an all-nighter with me?
1: I can't. My person will let me stay up to 12:00 in the morning.
2: Awww, okay. (walks home)
by A Really Bucking Fastard July 1, 2013
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the act of staying up until sunrise, usually enhanced by caffeine, computer or having woken up late
by kp23111!111 December 29, 2009
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1. When u stay up all night for studying purposes but probably fall asleep at 12:30 out of boredom
2. When u fuck all nite and ladies if u know a guy that can go all nite KEEP HIM
1. i thought i was gonna fail that test so i pulled an all-nighter
2. he gave me an all-nighter he is so amazing
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Urban Dictionary is such an awsome 'site! When I found it, I pulled an all nighter!
by GoFigure September 2, 2005
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