A small town shaped like a glove. Thats how we remember how to find ourselves on large maps. There all a lot of road and a lot of pot-holes. There's also a lot of pot. The town is divided into two parts, North Salem and South Salem. They should divide the town in two seperate towns because the Northern part is rich, the Southern part is influenced by drugs and is pretty much like a part of Massachussetts. The school systems are great, until you reach High School. Salem High School is great education wise, but is the number one drug trafficing school in NH. On a good note, Salem was ranked the 85th best town to live in, in 2007 according to CNNMoney.com. On Saturday you rarely see a NH license plate, there are soo many Mass cars. That because we have no sales tax. Salem is popular for its mall.
Kid 1: I wanna live in Salem NH

Salem Resident: No you dont buddy.
by SystemofaDownandClutch December 7, 2009
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A small town in northern NH, where there's not much to do. The biggest news is who's dating who. People here can't get enough of other peoples business. There's a lot of great people, but you KNOW all of the people. Main street is pretty chill, lots of weird stores. Fun little park, but druggies scare kids away. Schools are meh, nothing great. Lots of shit goes down making it interesting. I recommend visiting, but not for more than a week.
Me: "Hey, you coming down to the park later?"
Friend: "Naww. its a soul sucking place to be."
Me: "I can't wait to get out of Littleton, NH..."
by CoolahThanYouTrolls(; June 28, 2011
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An extremely small town that is a like a black hole. Once you enter you're trapped there for life. Its filled with stuck up girls and hick boys who like to over use the phrase "git-r-done" . The only thing going on in Littleton is kn owing who's getting pregnant or going to jail. Word of advice get now while you still have a chance for survival.
I went over to littleton, nh to walk around Wal-Mart for fun
by lillady1234 January 9, 2011
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A "city" in New Hampshire thats really just a large town in comparison. The Queen city, with a lot of gangsta wannabe's college kids and a pretty good bar scene. Manchvegas to some. Mostly french canadian ancestry, and lots of catholics.
I went to central high, Hesser college and now i like to go to the Black Brimmer and Strange Brew. I grew up in Manchester NH
by BeanerTINI April 8, 2009
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Rich ass town in new hampshire where everyone is stuck up, has huge houses, and looks down upon the lower class. And I'm one of them! XD
by Norelle July 23, 2005
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The capital of New Hampshire, located 20 miles north of Manchester. Known for its old New England-style elegance, affordable housing (compared to most of the state), French and Greek restaurants, and frequent Free State Project activist activities. It may not be as rich as Windham or Bedford but it sure as hell ain't full of tacky mcmansions. It may not be as exciting as Manchvegas or Boston but it's not a trash-fest like most other New England cities.

Also known to many as the halfway point between Boston and the White Mountains.
Concord NH: a sweet blend of class, libertarianism, culture, diversity, intelligence, city, and frontier.
by 603explorer November 27, 2010
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The only city in northern NH. It lies at the beginning of the great north woods in the middle of coos county. It has about 11,000 people.

Berlin at one point had the biggest paper mill east of Michigan. But it closed in 2006.

The school's in berlin have bad teachers and they dont know what they're talking about.

There isn't much to do in Berlin for anybody, its basically made up of Rednecks, Stoners, French People, And poor people that moved up there from ghetto's in Mass.

Joe: Dude i live in Berlin NH
John: Oh...whats there to do there?
Joe: Nothing, Berlin sucks.
John: Agreed.
by Scott728 August 9, 2006
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