Similar to the Chicago Snowstorm, in this instance you must first reserve ejaculation for several days. Once your "bank is built", during sex prior to climax you turn a ceiling fan on and full speed. At the moment of ejaculation, you turn you dick up towards the ceiling fan and fire, the effect should be one of a massive load of Jism exploding all over the room coating everything in sight. The build up should allow you to reach the fan from a kneeling position.
Nothing like a Naperville Blizzard in the middle of July
by slyoctober1 May 8, 2009
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someone living in Naperville thinking they deserve everything and think they are the greatest people on Earth
Why isn't she drinking that tap water?

She's a Naperville Brat...
by ihatenaperville November 6, 2011
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Xanax and wine, the most common combination used by the moms of Naperville, to get fucked up.
Karen got zooty off those Naperville Cocktails, haha. She could barely speak!
by chicagohotness September 26, 2020
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Term used to describe group of young men from Naperville, Illinois who think they are tough because they went to the same school as G Ev. Usually travel in packs and wear their hats backwards.
John: Shit look at those guys over there, those are some fucking mass monsters.
Hafner nems: Nah, those guys aint shit. Just a bunch of Naperville Faggots.
by Whoopi/Hafner nems March 8, 2022
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A high school in the city of Naperville where everyone is a huge douchbag because their all shit rich. It’s also the school where within the span of 2 years 4 suicides took place. One of which made national news. Because the school doesn’t care about their students. If you can help it, avoid going here at all costs.
The best high school to go to if you want to kill your self is Naperville north high school for sure!
by FreeRobbin May 12, 2020
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Known for underachieving and being overall disappointing, the class of 2012 spends most of their time trying to convince you and themselves otherwise. Their parents are quick to sing their praises as they try and convince themselves that they didnt completely fuck up raising them.

A large number of students showed up drunk on the first day to their senior year thinking that was badass. They where all caught but got off easy because High School is as good as it's going to get for these douchebags and the Administration feels bad for them.

Their women are sleazy and easy but, will deny it tooth and nail. They are unable to accept the cold hard truth. While most of them will point to the herpes outbreak of the class below them they are not really better at all.

They are all exceptionally spoiled and pretend as if life is so hard for them all of the time. They act ghetto and to do not respond well to being told no by anyone.

This class is a sad reflection on Naperville North High School and the Town of Naperville, IL itself.
Parent of a Naperville North Class of 2012 student: Ohhh my kid is so smart they thought drinking on the first day of their senior year was a good idea.

Any reasonable person: Dont you feel responsible? They are your kids

Parent of a NN class of 2012 student: What do you mean? my childs below average GPA and ACT scores and over inflated Ego can't be my fault!
by neuquarules December 2, 2011
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Naperville is 30 miles southwest of Chicago. Recently it was called the Best Suburb to raise kids. We have a population of 135,000. The poor kids (those families who make less than $150,000) attend Naperville Central, the oldest high school out of four in the city.

A school dichotomized by two major factions -- nerds/aspiring students and the rest of the OC-wannabe/stoner class. Central is also paradoxical in many forms.


1) Naperville Central had 26 National Merit Semi-Finalists this year. It also expelled 12 kids last year.

2) Naperville Central is home to a kid who WON the National Merit Scholarship with a 240 on the PSAT, and got 5's on the AP Calculus BC and AP US History exams -- despite the fact that he was stoned during all three tests.

3) Often a locus for great athleticism, Central routinely succeeds in football and aquatic sports. One of its star swimmers -- who won a full scholarship to Northwestern University -- was kicked out of the Olympic trials for being stoned.

4) We are allowed to go off-campus for lunch, but prohibitted from bringing our food back.

5) We have one of the wealthiest districts in the state of Illinois, yet our school is structurally unsound and is home to thousands of cockroaches that are at least 3 cm long.

6) Finally, Central is horribly over-crowded. If even half of the senior class decided to take the bus to school one morning or stay at school for lunch, we would have both a transportation and food shortage. We also have the lowest student-to-rest-facility ratio in the city of Naperville.

Our motto is the Redhawks.

We are home to a kid who is allergic to the sun and a stolen mummy.
Naperville Central High School is a raucous concrete jungle, but I will miss it -- not.

I love the smell of asbestos in Naperville Central High School.

At Naperville Central High School, it will not be uncommon to announce the winner of a national award, or a 36 ACT, and have the fire alarm pulled in the same day.

At Naperville Central High School, I saw many preppy kids, interspersed with nerds and stoners.

I swam over a tampon at the Naperville Central High School pool.

The grafitti in the Naperville Central High School restroom indicates that our school is filled with many preppy, Republican, closet Neo-Nazis.
by Sunshine Sammy B! September 9, 2006
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