The Keystone Effect: a crowd-pleasing, hard-rocking, party-starting, energetic rock band based at the University of Connecticut
I got laid at "The Keystone Effect" concert last night.
by Dr. Shasta Kielbasa March 19, 2009
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Full of a bunch of obnoxious people, a lot of rich people live here who think they are privileged just because they have more money, a lot of people are turning gay because you cant trust anyone out of your sex. All the 14 year olds are going out and having sex because we have nothing better to do. Mainly all the popular girls have a thigh gap bigger than the Grand Canyon and get mad when they dont get the new iPhone 7. Full of rednecks also and a bunch of Trump supporters. The only good thing about Keystone is when you get to leave.
We dont even have to go to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon, we can just look at her thighs! - people of Keystone Heights
by Idekjustmadethistopostsomethin December 20, 2016
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A fart trapped in a toilet by its lid and discovered later by an unsuspecting user.

Named after the keystone miners of Pennsylvania who would go deep in the coal mines and shit in buckets. The smell would linger long after the mines would be closed.
"OMG, Matt, that's disgusting!!"

"Oh, sorry about that keystone kettle Kathy."
by ToeBang August 30, 2016
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water mixed with fermented pisss!!
dude I had 10 keystone lights and im only half buzzed
by captain.trips November 5, 2010
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something you need when you have nothing to shoot fireworks with.
"How are we going to shoot off the fireworks?"
"Keystone can! Where's a Keystone can when you need one?"
by haleyfoshizz March 15, 2009
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Pennsylvania State Police.

Taken from both the silent comedy movies of the same name and that Pennsylvania is the Keystone State, using the keystone as one of its symbols (which is found as the dash separator on their license plates as well).
"Slow down - there's a Keystone Kop sitting up on that bridge!"

"PA has a nice state law - only the Keystone Kops can use radar. Local police can't."
by OldsVistaCruiser February 14, 2012
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Keystone Light is always smooth. It was voted the best Light beer in Point Pleasant NJ 05, 06, 07 and is the front runner for 08. Keystone Light is Coors light's younger brother. Keystone Light kicks ass.
Davis: This is the greatest beer ever. What is it?!?!?!

Bruce: Thats Keystone Light, the greatest light beer in the world.
by J-Mont April 2, 2008
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