Someone who constantly goes to clubs, parties, shindigs ect. to get laid. A gunner allways goes for the hot chicks. He allways brings along a wing man to help him get a chick. The wing man makes sure the gunner gets the hot chick.
The gunner and his wing man banged another hot chick... thanks to the gunners wing man.
by Gavin to the Weaver June 10, 2005
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A wonderful, cute, sweet, and caring guy. That is loved by many people.. Often short with chubby cheeks.
Who's Gunner
That amazing person
by Nenkapoop. January 23, 2011
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A huge line of Cocaine, usually just done all at once
Shit, did you see wade do that massive gunner, the kids going to trip balls.
by getemforLO January 9, 2009
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(a) gunner is a person, thats a illa skate boarder, awesome boyfriend, and a gunner is super hottt..usually nice and laid back.
(a) gunner likes to have a good time..and party..gunner(s) usually have really great girlfriends..
Man-Hey look at that gunner!
girl2-Yeah hes mine..sorry
Man-I wish i was like gunner:
Girl2-in yo dreams bizaatttchh
by Lovuhhh May 18, 2008
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A durogatory term aimed at white people who imitate 50 cent or the rest of g-unit. A specific branch of wigger, derived as such: G-Unit -> Gunnit -> Gunner.
See that wigger over there? What a gunner.
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Someone who makes moves and decisions on their own and doesn't require the company of others to get things done. This doesn't necessarily imply the person is a loner or antisocial, it simply means (s)he's independent. Though normally demonstrating 'above average' intelligence, the intelligence from lone gunner to lone gunner CAN span the full spectrum. You don't have to be a genius to be a lone gunner. Lone gunners just simply do not require the moral support from peers to achieve, not do they like to wait on anyone unless it is mandatory.
In a Convo:

Chester: Where's Ryan always disappearing to?

Cranston: I dunno....hes a lone gunner.

Are you a Lone Gunner? If you can relate to any of the following then the answer is yes:

- Someone who hates waiting but isn't impatient. If he can do it himself he will.

- Someone who is not afraid to take on a big task even if it risks failure. To them, the knowledge and experience is priceless.

- Someone who takes pride in doing things themselves.

- Someone who is very versatile in the social department. They can be great in social circles however do not require them.
by The Lone Gunner February 10, 2009
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retarded people who are not educated and thinks that guns only kill people while people are the one who kills
wow, that anti gunner doesnt want me to touch a gun since he is too scared of guns.
by Magic 8 ball 74 February 4, 2018
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