Useless shit or unwanted stuff. Synonymous with stuff
Matt: Dude, why did you leave all your foof everywhere there's no where to sit.

Trisha: I finally plucked my eyebrows and got rid of all the foof.
by breakfst November 19, 2014
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"Hey man you got any foof?"
"Yeah bro the foof fairy came early this year"
by Killa chef April 4, 2016
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Excessive, overdone, or pretentious items of home decor.
"If we stop by Kirkland's, we can load up on foof for the living room."
by Fashionista October 9, 2003
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An animal's fart, usually from a dog. Rhymes with "hoof".
Sandy, did you just foof? Are you making dog farts again?
by pentozali January 9, 2011
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According to GD Misfits, a foof is

1. a lady's "special place".

2. an ever so slightly more polite way of calling somebody a twat.
1. Her infection gave her a gushy foof.

2. My husband is being a foof today.
by Snozzbert May 10, 2009
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A polite term for fuck - can be noun or verb
probably comes from the slang usage of foof to also mean female genitalia
Hey baby, you wanna foof?

Man I could use a good foof
by Sparky99 October 20, 2007
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the thing I use to say, when I don't know the word in english!
ahhh...hmmmmm how do you say that....foof....
by jeam April 6, 2005
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