According to Pyro, Err is 'a psychotic guy that cybersexes ruth and demands others go 'fuck a sidewalk' on a daily basis.

Also claims he 'skull-fucks' people. Whatever that means.
ErR at YoU: (11:14:30 pm): Man I'm so psychotic that when I've finished my cyber sex session with Ruth I'm gonna force you to go fuck a sidewalk. Also, did you know that I skull-fuck people? Whatever that means.
by oh mouse of feeayar March 3, 2004
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A slut for a sum of money equalling less than one dollar; a woman who uses their fleener for minimal profit
Alex is a dirty hoo-err.

Look at that fleener, she must be a hoo-er.
by captaininsano606 March 25, 2010
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Err is the sound made when expressing uncertainty or doubtfulness. This sound is slowly transformed into the sound of a plane's engine, and accompanied with the raising of the arms to mimic a plane's wings. This sequence of events is called an err-plane.
"I wonder if self-punishment would be significant enough to overcome the addictive qualities of nicotine or heroin. Let's conduct an experiment! What do you say?"
"Lol, err-plane!"
by Patrick Caloz October 30, 2007
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(NOUN)The Skankiest Ho in Town.So loose a bus could parallel park up her birdy.
"OMG - did you see that filthy little HO-ERR over there? WHAT A FREAKIN SKANK!
by WitchyPOO November 28, 2003
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It can mean anything and everything. But mostly all thinge generally badass.
Dood1:Dood you just slammed a bottle of (insert liquor name here)!!!!!!
Dood2: Err Day
by Smoaky Joe June 25, 2012
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Meaning 'yes' but implying that it is obvious.
Can be lengthened to 'errrrrrr-scyaa'
"Are you coming into town?"

by blue wolf September 16, 2008
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Variation of the name Erik.
Err-Ick Pronounced Air- ick

Is given to males who fail to live up to being an Erik (strong, handsome, Nordic)

Shortened form of Error & Icky

to make a disgusting mistake;
causing or accidentally creating something foul, gross, toxic
err-ick, err-icked, err-icking, err-icker

Believing that it would show his appreciation of the lovely lovely meal, Mr. Taylor let an err-ick rip that smelled so bad & was so strong that the room was declared a toxic waste dump & everything in the room had to be destroyed.

Mr. Taylor drank too much & err-icked all over the bathroom.

Lacking basic social skills, Mr. Taylor is often guilty of err-icking when he shares detailed descriptions about his bowel movements with total strangers who are unlucky enough to be stuck standing in a long line next to him.

You can't take an err-icker anywhere! If it's not a smell that peels the paint off the walls, an err-icker's conversation will disgust & repulse anyone within earshot. Many nicer establishments ban err-ickers.
by Anti Err-Ick August 12, 2009
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