Someone who's so irritating when they talk you want to duct tape their mouth shut.

Duct Tape fixes everything.
That woman wont shut up during the movie. She's a Duct Taper.
by diongham September 6, 2010
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Duct tape is an awesome type of tape/adhesive that is usually silver but can come in many, many colors. It has tons and tons and tons of uses. You can do basically anything with it, from making wallets to fixing cars.(And those are only 2 of the most common uses.)
1) We where in a car crash and we used Duct tape to temperarliy fix our car.

2)I made $75 from selling duct tape merchandise.

3)Yo, duct tape is so epic!!!
by Bluestrike22 February 13, 2010
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Place duct tape stick side up across the road. When cars run over it, it sticks to the tires and sounds like they have a flat tire, then they get out and have to take it off.

You might only want to do one lane at a time, it saves duct tape and is better.
After we went Penny-tapping, we went Duct-tapping and made like four cars stop in a row.
by Petree June 13, 2007
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The handy man's secret weapon. Duct tape can used to solve any problem imaginable, from broken toasters to dismembered limbs.
Nurse: Doctor, we're losing him!
Doctor: Damn it man, there's no time to waste! I need two rolls of duct tape, stat!
by Jason June 19, 2006
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The action of being diverted from one conversation to another in an instant, and remembering getting diverted when the conversation comes around again.
Damn it Jeremy; stop Mind Ducting me.
by -=TyranT=- June 6, 2010
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The wonderful, silvery substance that holds together my shoes, my purse, my jacket, my backpack, my books and my life.
I've worn mostly this one pair of shoes for two and a half years - they're more duct tape than shoe by now, but they work!
by s0ckninja February 13, 2008
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The guncky build-up underneath the flap of skin on an un-cercumcized cock.
Girl: That boy got duct butter in my vagina.
by Rickifer July 4, 2006
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