A man who uses his sexuality to obtain wealth, luxury, money or anything that can upgrade his lifestyle. The male version of a gold digger.
That gold dicker Tom Arnold sure got a lot sure got a lot of money from Roseann when they got divorced.
by Taekwondoka June 19, 2014
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An Urban Dicker is a frequent submitter to the Urban Dictionary. Coined by arguably (ok - VERY arguably) our generation's GREATEST Urban Dicker herself - Emelda Moncelet - who formed a Facebook group of the same name which half-heartedly promises a large novelty penis made of silicon as 1st prize to the most prolific Urban Dicker, though no final competition score-tallying date has every been nominated.

Silicon Dicker is basically an Urban Dicker who submits using their 'construct' (fake Facebook profile), or other alias.

Ivan: "I refuse to give the thumbs up to ANYTHING with 'booka' in the title....bookabullshit."

Ricky: "http://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=Ricky+Foxwell"

Emelda (feeling the huge silicon novelty penis slipping from her grasp): "There's no shame when you're a Silicon Dicker "
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A person of low intellect, suffering from many cognitive impairments due to a family history of inbreeding and isolation from society for thousands of years.

Often associated with Red Necks in the southern states of the USA, the word Maw Dicker is actually though to originate from the tiny, obscure, isolated and inbred retirement shithole of Mawdesley in Lancashire, where everyone has been chronically inbred and removed from society since the middle ages.

General opinion believe it was a 19th century anthropologist called Gerald Ronce who first discovered, and coined the term Maw Dickers during an expedition to the featureless, desolate and extremely isolated bog land of Mawdesley, Lancashire. Ronce describes Maw Dickers as "hideously inbred, human beasts", who live in a state of mental degradation and social isolation on the featureless and desolate drained bog land of Mawdesley.

Today, Mawdesley is seen as a containment area for Maw Dickers. It is no accident that no public transport serves this isolated, lifeless enclave, and the obscure back roads and footpaths leading to this non-place are deliberately left to deteriorate by the council until they are impassable.

The threat of Maw Dickers contaminating the gene pool is seen as a potent threat to the health of society and national interests.
"I told you. You took the wrong turn. We're in the complete arse end of nowhere. It's not even on the map. Oh God! Look! That group of Maw Dickers are looking at us funny. Lets get out of this place before we are gang bummed."
by jjpwfelli March 7, 2016
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A device used for remote operation of television set. It is more commonly known as a remote control.
Kyle: Matt, could you please pass the flicker-dicker? I hate this show.

Matt: Sure.
by MarySueTwo June 29, 2008
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Slang originating from Evansville, IN. Reffers to the effects of Trojan Extended Pleasure Condoms. They honestly make your dick numb.
I took the numb dicker off and was able to punch my cock without feeling a thing!
by Bryan H K February 6, 2004
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When an individual has had one too many margaritas and orders "pickle dickers" instead of "pickle puckers" (fried dill pickles).
Ma'am, I would like another order of pickle dickers, please!
by Chloe Lola June 17, 2010
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One who always lies prone while playing multi player games to avoid being shot.
That flat dick'n sum bitch just shot me in my face. He's laying down by the trucks.

Everywhere you turn there's a flat dicker.

credit to ItchyKitten
by SEAWOLF tm January 23, 2017
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