When you are masturbating and you ejaculate into a bowl and then proceed to stick your genitalia into the semen bowl.
“Damn i really need to fuck up sum Dick n ball stew right about now”
by Mr.Dumbahh October 12, 2023
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That fucker thinks he's king dick on ball mountain, but he is not
by snatha July 17, 2011
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The words one must utter while playing Call of Duty Black Ops | when the Trey arch logo appears on screen indicating a player must patiently wait an undefined amount of time for the game to progress.

The phrase describes the look of the Trey arch logo as it cycles repeatedly in its modified toroidal circular pattern to indicate something VERY important is happening in the background. The logo gives a player a visual prompt to utter an audible update to other players in their party to ensure they are made aware of a delay in game play.

It’s customary for players in a COD party to repeat, "Ball Ball Dick" over and over to ensure other party members can take appropriate action (e.g. crack open a beer, get more Cheetos, replace controller batteries, scratch one’s ass, etc.) The phrase is most effective in a sentence, "I'm being Ball Ball Dicked right now. Hopefully I can rejoin your party soon!"

For brevity, a TLA-version "BBD" can be used to provide faster conveyance of one’s status to other players and this approach is highly useful for out-of-band communication (e.g. text/SMS, Skype, smoke signals, etc.) when Xbox Live chat services are unavailable.

While the phrase refers to the wait-time in COD |, it can also be liberally used to describe other situations when one must wait an unknown amount of time (i.e. DMV; Proctologist’s office; While waiting for someone to finish taking a shit).
Son --- of --- a --- bitch!!!! I'm being BALL BALL DICKED again?!?!? Hopefully I can rejoin my goddam Call of Duty party soon! Damn you Treyarch....Damn you to Hell!
by Doug6ft3 March 23, 2016
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In reference to one’s penis.
She kept staring at the dick of my balls.

I need to pee out of the dick of my balls.

40 ounce in my lap and it’s freezin’ the dick of my balls.

I’m thinking about getting enlargement surgery for the dick of my balls.
by Sigaret Breff June 8, 2023
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When a man is wearing tight pants and his dick/ balls resembles a tennis ball shape
His pants were so tight his dick was looking like a tennis ball dick.
by Squad2.0 May 29, 2018
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A phrase said when something is sure to happen. A guarantee.
Example 1
Don: You going to the ice cream social tonight?
Craig: You bet your dick and balls I am!

Example 2
Craig: Are you trading that Carlton Fisk baseball card?
Don: You bet your dick and balls I am!
by fartmaster69 October 31, 2011
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Fucking Dick shit balls face is a sexually transmitted disease that you can only catch by fucking the devil, the symptoms of fucking Dick shit balls face are the metamorphosis of the shaft into a legitimate piece of shit and the sudden relocation of the testicles to the forehead
Person a- yo that dude has fucking Dick shit balls face
Person b- aw shit crucify that mother fucker, he fucked satan
by Bob the builders tight asshole February 11, 2019
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