Touring band, parking lot scene term derived from the phrase "Custody Kid" in the 1990's. As opposed to many of the tour-followers, the custy's trip following a band on tour was funded by their parent's money. Custy's were usually only called-out by the touring vendors who could only made it to the next show by peddling their wares in the parking lots surrounding the venues TO the custy. This added to the confusion over the meaning of the word. Slowly, "custy" was understood as a shortened term for "customer."
He sold some boomers to this custy and he pulled out a checkbook from his shiny new Land Rover with hooper stickers all over it.
by benv May 26, 2010
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"Nigga is you crazy? You aint makin it through custies with a suitcase full of blow"

"Man.. I just got popped tryin to smuggle some dope through custies"
by wza August 6, 2005
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orginally referring only to customers of a drug dealer be it all the time or just on lot but now has taken the form of an insult to refer to all sorts of dumbasses be it just a customer whom you tax too the point they are moronic for paying, a customer whom you continually short, or even a person who gets the wings they did not earn ripped off
1 "man that custie just bought this eigth of middies for 60!"

2 "i cut these quarter inch doses down to 10mm and sold them to that custie he pissed himself he was so excited"

3 "man did you hear about mark? he got his wings ripped off! what a custie fuck"
by dopestarmuca August 18, 2010
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Has 1000 eyes, and two wings. Mia’s Fly... RIP young one.
by Mia Humpage July 21, 2020
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A person who acts cool at one point and turns the next day someone who you think will never rip you off then days to years later you find out he did rip you off the person you think you can count on and they ditch you

copy and paste
Dude why is he so custy because his dad hates him.
by A another custy person November 10, 2010
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mittens of jambase
Look at that 16 year old kid, his names mittens, i bet you hes buying a dose for 20 bux. Dude defines custie.
by I'm super heady yo December 10, 2010
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