Otherwise known as corpoes or corpies, these are individuals who sympathize with, or who are supportive and serve to, corporations.
Billy: Jeff can't put his cellphone down since he got his Prime membership. He's obsessed with all things Amazon and Apple, abandoning all reason when I show him that no business is perfect.

Adam: So he's basicat a fanboy then? Even if a product of theirs clearly sucks he continues to worst them?

Jeff: Bingo

Adam: *****n' corpy

Jeff: Yeah, the corporates practically own minds like that.
by Av3nger3 July 31, 2021
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A necessary, healthy, and useful byproduct of capitalism, which mass-produces/performs goods/services (respectively) at relatively low costs.
by Der Capitan December 7, 2003
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Noun. A hipster slang word that describes someone or something to be mainstream or un-exclusive.
Hipster 1: hey, do you like Iron and Whine?

Hipster 2: don't be ridiculous they turned into corporates ever since they had a song on the twilight album.
by Morehipsterthanholly February 6, 2012
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Usually begin as small successful sole proprietary, or partnership businesses that grow and because they're successful and make money whiney liberals bitch that they aren't doing enough to help the poor who for the most part won't help themselves. WAH THE CORPORATION IS MAKING MONEY THAT MEANS WE SHOULD TAKE IT ALL AWAY AND COMPLETELY DESTROY PRODUCTIVITY IN THE US.
IDIOT LIBERAL #1: "Let's make America more like the "Utopia" that Europe is"
IDIOT LIBERAL #2: "Fuck businesses over with high taxes that force them to relocate to other countries and destroy job growth and the economy here!"
by Japanadan October 11, 2004
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A regime of government that is primarily controlled by a multitude of corporations.
At least these battles are fought on a small global scheme with this faction of corporalism.
by TheRinger1976 May 6, 2010
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When a badger eats his own weight in one siting.
Dude, Danny, you won't believe how many corporations I saw when I went camping last weekend.
by Bobby K. November 18, 2007
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During the late 1970's, a duo or trio of Central New Jersey teenaged males would break off from the larger peer group to maximize personal gain and form what was called a "corporation". Usually the hastily formed corporations mission statement included the pursuit of hot chicks, smoking a limited supply of excellent weed, or attending a keg party without the rest of the peer group attending. These loose-knit organizations could last anywhere from one day to several weeks. Often after the corporation dissolved, the former members would be absorbed back into the peer group after some interrogative statements about where the party was or how ugly that chick was who you were sucking face with last night.
Hey, is that Joey in the passengers seat of Bob's Monte? Joey only has a little of that killer weed left. He must have formed a corporation with Bob so they can smoke whats left between themselves and leave us out here freezing on the street corner.
by Mr. Southwood February 25, 2009
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