Verb: To chill and relax at the same time!
Person one: Hey what's up?
Person two: Nothin, just chillaxin!
by Anja Hadz July 22, 2005
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Chillaxing is when u have smoked so many cones or bongs as some may call it, and all u can do is sit about and stare....but while doing this u are content...u r chillaxing
Simon spends all his time chillaxing he never has time for his girlfriend.
by chilaxer 2009 March 6, 2009
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A word put together from Chill and Relax. Usually used by pre-teens and young teens who watch a lot of Disney Channel, especially Hannah Montana.
"Dude, chillax it's going to be ok.
by tsirk February 16, 2010
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Chill and Relax mushed together. To both chill out and relax at the same time.
After a hard day at work I decided to Chillax over a icy beer and a joint.
by Sha_ney_ne June 17, 2008
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To chill and relax at the same time.
When I get home from work I will usually chillax for several hours before making dinner.
by Jesona July 11, 2008
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i chillaxed at mimi's house.
by Jaiyla October 29, 2005
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