A term used to describe the size of one's calves. One who possesses calves from Hell has calves that significantly lack muscle mass, resulting in a skinny, bone-like look, and inspires utter perplexity in others into how they can even move. The origin of the term is unclear, as there is no immediate similarity between skinny calves and Hell. It could be said, however, that only the most depraved and evil people possess calves from hell, and thus, well, they come from Hell.
"His gastrocnemii (calves) are especially affected by his severe lack of muscularity and is the reason for his nickname, ‘Calves from Hell’ (xD)."
by gary69_ March 30, 2023
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A little known hereditary illness that prevents the calf muscle from experiencing proper muscle hypertrophy(muscle growth).

This illnes is common in those with a passion for lifting. This may be due to an alteration in the tREN-062 gene, that results in the passion for lifting, aswell as the syndrome.
"Its not becouse i dont train them, its because of my small calves syndrome."
by Gymbro. March 8, 2022
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used to describe a woman (usually) hu has a saggy arse.
boy 1: man! that hoe sho is assed up from the calves up!

boy 2: fligga is talking crazy. mo fo has some bitchin arse. i'd sho like to slap up, slap down and slam on that!

boy 1: fo shizzle!
by xTruth_Hurtsx May 4, 2007
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no matter how high the odds are stacked against you, you can still prosper
You are down 9 to 2 in euchre but sicker calves have lived
by one sick calf March 7, 2010
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Unknown to most members of the female race, when a man compliments a woman's calves, it most likely means that he is subtly calling them a farm animal. A term that men use to make remarks about a woman without their knowledge of its true definition. Much like dime or butterface. The women think it is an odd compliment, but the men know that they are reflecting on her eery similarities to a young cow.
"Bro, Amanda has such nice calves!"
"I know dude, she's disgusting"
by casualtrex May 22, 2017
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The part of the leg below the knee the park everyone loves. The squishy jiggly part of the leg
John- I like yo calves.
Shaniqua- thanks John I like yo thighs
by Thighslec October 11, 2020
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