Verb- Slang synonym meaning to flick, nudge, bump, or tap
I was saving my long cigar ash to bunk into Matt's ashtray.

I bunked the crumbs off my toast so I wouldn't get them all over the floor.

by ssman March 16, 2009
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(n.) The origin of this word could possibly be from bunkum, which means rubbish or hogwash.

(n.) A bed that has two mattress levels.
What a bunch of bunk! I do not sleep with my teddy bear...all the time.

Mike: That bunk looks mighty fine! I get to be on the top!
Nadia: Sicko.
by PaperMachete October 31, 2005
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that was some funkety bunk
by jim March 4, 2003
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A drug that does not get you high.
me: Lets get some shit?
my sis: I bet you its going to be some Bunk beds! I'm tired of wasting my money!!
by mostwuntd June 19, 2010
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Extremely wasted and\or stoned to the point where movement or activity become uninteresting and resentful.

Temporary mental to physical paralysis caused by laziness and urge to do nothing.
"Yo J lets go bowling!"
"Fuck that bro, I'm to bunked to leave."

I'm sorry officer! Honestly I'm sober! M over here is bunked out of his mind though."
by Jeff Carrot May 19, 2008
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bull crap; BS; stuff that's not true or stretched the truth or just a down right lie.
Man that junk is bunk.
by bread infection October 23, 2005
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A verb used for skipping (not attending) a class.
by copster October 2, 2007
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