When you eat raw sliced brussel sprouts and wash it down with a few cans of Lager. Then pull up the bed sheets to cover your girlfriends head while she is about to go to sleep. That is Brussel Sprout Romance!
I did find it too funny when he offered to give me a brussel sprout romance
by The Smart Ass June 21, 2015
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A chaotic and random turn of events.
- Hey, yesterday I was taken to the police station. I am gay.
- oh! What a Brussels twist!!!
by Valen24 March 1, 2023
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Ohio Brussel Sprouts is the act of sucking small round food items (ideally large grapes or Brussel sprouts) out of your partners anus.
Liz stuffed a bag of skittles in her ass and made me do Ohio Brussel Sprouts. All I can taste is fruity shit.
by Mega Hemroids July 5, 2023
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The overeating/ forceful consumption of numerous Mussels resulting in a fatigued state or unconsciousness
"Im feeling the brussels coma coming, hold me"
by DannyBoy27DannyBoy27DannyBoy27 February 3, 2020
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A breed of dog that is incredibly adorable, brown, and fluffy. When they're shaved they look ugly, but with long fur they're the most adorable creatures ever.
Often have lower IQ's than most dogs, which often makes them cuter because they make mistakes and don't care.
I: Hey, that's a cute dog, what breed is it?
U: He's a Brussels Griffon.
I: Huh. I've never heard of that...
by Garuda 1 February 14, 2023
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