Bosses are like diapers: Full of shit and all over your ass.
My boss had nothing to do, so he watched me work all day today.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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"boss is just slang for jerk in charge" michael scott.
by moq February 2, 2009
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An adjective used in many situations describing something or someone that is superior.
Bryan: Yo man those shoes are fuckin boss

Keith: Damn do I know it


Keith: Yo, you know Bryan?

Jamal: Yeah, the dude's fuckin boss at hockey.


Bryan: Yo homeboy

Jamal: What up boss
by *BMK* June 29, 2009
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When someone grossly overestimates a personal achievement.
Stuart: Lawrence , how did you get on with your exam?
Lawrence: Great man, I really bossed it! I got 30% (smug face).
by OG_Advice_Page February 7, 2018
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1. a supervisor, or head of a unit at work

2. supercool, fly, awesome to the max

3. nickname of American rocker Bruce Springsteen.
1. my boss loves to tell about when he saw Elvis live in Las Vegas.

2. that party at Brian's place was so boss!

3. I saw the Boss perform at the university auditorium last night. The show was so boss!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 28, 2006
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Me, Im a boss. No one can 1v1 me. They call me king boss. The gif is me schooling all y'all haters.
Kid: 1v1 me on Playstation, wait you dont have a playstation.
Me: 1v1 me irl, oh wait you don't have a life. Kid get no scoped by the BOSS
by Jake_Paul123 February 1, 2018
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BOSS: (n) - a word indicating awesomenessocity. Such as; thats boss, or boss hat dude, etc... It is a synnonym for the words; ill, sick, nasty, sweet, and so forth.
Olivia: I got an xbox.
Kory: Boss!!!
by The Boss Man July 6, 2005
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