A Dublin based Punk Zine, Written and edited by Thomas, Liam and (Crumpley Man). The zine is shoddily made and badly written, all of these factors make Bombshell the greatest Punk Zine Ever!!
Bombshell Magazine rocks Dave's world!
by Nigel Finn Fillops March 31, 2006
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sexual act where the "bomber" maneuvers his partner into a comfortable lying position and proceeds to spray explosive diarrhea all over him/her. Afterwords the bomber fucks him/her in the shower in an opening of his choosing. this is simply to take car of the mess. a true bomber would leave the bombed as is.
Stupid friend: how was you night
you: pretty shitty. i ate about 25 extreme fajitas and dropped an Iraqi Bombshell on that girl from the rest stop.
by astarr2 January 19, 2007
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when you take a fat shit and the crap leaving your ass hits the water and splashes the dirty water on your ass
"ahhhhhh, gross i dropped a german bombshell in there.... it all over the place." (Brian)
by 0010011 February 8, 2006
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To have extramartial sex with a white supremist
I totally bombshell mcgee'd my wife's sister last night after the cross burning

I love to bombshell mcgee with my sheets on
by goddessperlman April 12, 2010
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Where the guy cuts the girls bra off, Ties it around her neck, and fucks her doggy style on a beach ball.
So I totally dropped the manhattan bombshell on my girlfriend last night. she was freakin out man. bitch is crazy for that chokin shit.
by Walton McDowell August 3, 2009
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1) Bloody Bombshell- A very attractive (greater than 6 on scale of 1 to 10) female, that is on her period. She has a heavy flow and occasional spotting prior and post menstruation. She is beautiful, which makes you consider swimming the red sea.
Man 1: Dude, I CAN NOT believe you took that model looking chick home last night. I give you props for dayyys!

Man 2: It was not as great as you think, she was a straight bloody bombshell. It was a steady flow of menstruation blood all fucking night.

Man 1: Ooooh what a disappointment!

Man 2: Eh, not really. I didn't even have to use lube for anal, it was flowing so steady it created a great lubricant!
by The D M V December 8, 2011
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