The word to use when you don't know what to use. This word can be used in many cases such as a scary moment, when you forget or don't know what to say, or even (my personal favorite) when the room is extremely silent and you want to make some friends.
CLASS: (completely silent reading their books)
YOU: Ahhhhhh!
CLASS: I respect you! You have broken the silence and ruined our concentration! I want to be your best friend!
by KLemon04 January 9, 2020
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something that you scream when you are being mugged by a really scary dude with a pistol
O crap, ahhhhhh!!! get away from me you jackass!
by Foshizzle McDizzle April 21, 2006
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Ahhhhhh! I'm so scared/nervous.
Ahhhhhh, what a nice day.

by Anonymous Person8 July 11, 2008
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a sound you make when you moan
*ahhhhhh* more daddy
by cookkie November 21, 2019
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by sadman69420 January 24, 2022
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this is the sound i make when luke does a 5 man blade on overwatch 2
me: ahhhhhh daddy

luke: that was amungus
by best ow player September 11, 2022
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