Retarded Wyotech students that don't know shit, but think they are Gods' gift to the world... Little do they know Green shirts start out making ten dollars more an hour.
by Luke Schall May 25, 2011
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A bunch of fangirls from ONTD (who have since spun off into their own community) that showed photos of their junk/boobs to Eli Roth on MySpace in return for his leering approval.
Those Blueberries just sent Eli Roth a picture of their tits! Shameless harlots!
by The Voice of ONTD January 31, 2010
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A type of mobile phone. A Blackberry with bluetooth.
"Out the country, but the blueberry still connect" ~ Jay Z (referring to the GSM capability of the Blackberry 7100)
by Jack D. August 1, 2005
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A word use to end a conversation that is going nowhere or is redundant.
We already talked about this...Blueberries
by Juanderfull May 2, 2013
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holy shit

don't smoke this stuff

sniff lines, eat fungus, inhale ether, let acid dissolve on your glands. But whatever you do, do not smoke the blueberry hash.
It's too strong. Consumption only recommended for trying to forget about your missing legs and the death of your entire family.
by sux0r March 25, 2004
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when you blow directly on someone's bare skin resulting in a tickling sensation for the other person and makes a 'farting' sound, usually done on ones stomache
by Suthy February 17, 2016
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Reference to 80mg Oxycontin tablets commonly used in Boston neighborhoods
I took a blueberry earlier today and I'm still wrecked
by Mike February 11, 2005
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