A song made by John 5 that appears in Gutar Hero Warriors of Rock. This song puts Drangforce to shame. A side note to Dragon force is every song is the freakin' same. It is the hardest damn song since Through the Fire and Flames . It literally is impossible on expert uless you have no fail on or extra apendages or the ability to slow time or move at hyper speed or have Sonic the Hedgehog by your side pressing the buttons. It has an achievment called 'mutilator of hands'. This song may cause spasms, arthritus, insanity, death of arm and nerves. Even on beginner the song is hard and it gets harder still. I shockingly manged to five star the song but don't go 4 the sixth star cause... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!! Not even Chuck Norris couldn't do this song. He tried and failed then roundhouse kicked the TV, guitar, system, and John 5.
Jay:Why is James missing arm/
Jen:He played Black Widow of La Porte all night and killed his nerves and blood vesles in his arm and had to get it cut off.
Jay:I'm never playing that song again.
Jen:Now you're smart?
by BWofLP February 15, 2011
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A Spider that sometimes takes the form of a human. A Very rare breed of spider that can also acts alot like a kangroo. Very Deadly and can kill you with one single kick or bite. They are rumored to be located in Michigan.
"Wow look its a Human Black Widow Spider that is reading"

"Is that a good book Human Black Widow Spider"

"Man that Human Black Widow Spider boyfriend twitches alot"

"Why is that Human Black Widow Spider boyfriend raping another person"
by haterofed March 2, 2010
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a female perosn, whom is vicious, conniving, crule, and undesierable to be around and/ or with
Lexxie M. is such a whore-hog-black-widow-slithering-snake. Because she harrasses her boyfriend, his friends, and family, by harrassing them all the timehog. Whilist cheating on him with other men and women whore.
by Writing the truth June 12, 2011
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A woman who has lost those cozy, cuddly nights with her husband or significant other to the Call of Duty game, Black Ops.
Who? My husband? In bed before midnight? Dude, no way! I'm a Black Ops Widow!
by ljenator January 14, 2011
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a wife mother or lover that has lost their husband, son or partener to the call of duty , namly black ops
ive lost my husband and son to call if duty black ops widow , isnt it enough ban this now before it gets out of hand and devistates other lives im in morning
by jizzcannon1 November 25, 2010
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Noun: The wife or girlfriend of a soldier in the army who wears the coveted Airborne/Air Assault/Pathfinder Black Hat and is never home.
There goes shelley she's a Black Hat Widow. Her man is never home.
by ASSLT BLACK HAT February 5, 2011
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When you finish having sex and cum inside, instead of buying plan B or dealing with the consequences, you kill her. Just like the spider, but the male kills the female.
Bro 1: I came inside her last night
Bro 2: damn bro, better get plan b
Bro 1: nah bro, reverse black widowed that ho
Bro 2: nice
by ThePJeezy November 7, 2018
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