When the dick is so big like a barlow it beats the pussy up.
Omg girl, Jakes dick is so big he gave my pussy a Barlow beatdown. Best ever .
by Cbax100. May 3, 2019
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“Your going to get Barlowed
Your going to get barlowed he said to this girl

She came to school pregnant
by Ah_idkk May 21, 2023
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Will take things too far and too seriously.
If Jeff blocks you on all forms of social media for pulling a prank on him, he is doing a Joe Barlow.
by KEWL KID KONNER May 31, 2020
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A member of the BDP...lacross player extraordinare. Pyro and prospective player. Etymology: of the European family, heavily white and a dash of italian mob...its the great-grandfather
Synonym of Dork:
"What a Colin"
"Stop being a Colin"
"Skrew you Colin"
by Mad Dawwggg December 21, 2004
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James Barlowed is an act of gay sex including various farm animals and used condoms filled with shit then frozen and then proceed fucking the farm animals with the frozen shit used condom.
Person 1: do you see how that cow got james barlowed by tom last night?

Person 2: yea its probobly dead right now tom was so drunk.
by keepinit23 April 19, 2010
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