The act of cocking one leg on a table whilst masturbating. Preferably whilst wearing exceptionally tight football shorts, one testicle hanging out of the leg, the penis protruding from the other.
"Oh my god, what's that guy doing in front of that floor to ceiling window!?"
"Chillax, bro, he's just doing The Stan."
by Jay Grey, PhD March 16, 2009
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The name of "MC Hammer" or Stan Burrell was born on March 30, 1962. He is a phonemic icon in 'pop-culture'. Stan is a multi-platinum selling rapper, entertainer, dancer, and was star of his own reality television show, 'Hammer Time' in the late 90's.
Stan's Albums
Feel My Power (1987)

Let's Get It Started (1988)

Feel My Power (1987)

Let's Get It Started (1988)

Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em (1990)

Too Legit to Quit (1991)

New venture (Oaktown/Giant)

The Funky Headhunter (1994)

Inside Out (1995)

Career with Death Row Records (1995–1996)

Return to EMI (1996–1997)

Family Affair (1998)

Active Duty (2001)

Full Blast (2003)

Look Look Look (2006)

DanceJamtheMusic (2008)
by ProducerXOX September 12, 2009
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As in Basball's Hall of Fame 'Stan Musial'. Stan Musial played for the St. Louis Cardnials starting in 1941. He was recorded batting in all of 10,972 times, played in 3,026 pro-leauge games, recorded 1,949 runs, and 1,951 RBI's or runs batted in. Stan Musial won seven National Bating Leauge titles and was named the Sporting News Major Leauge Player in 1946 and in 1951

In 1963 when Musial retired, Stan held 17 Major Leauge, 29 National and 9 All-Star leauge records.

Stan Musial was inducted to the 'Baseball Hall of Fame' in 1969.
Stan's achievements.

National Bating Leauge titles -7-

Sporting News Major Leauge Player (1946 and in 1951)

Baseball Hall of Fame (1969)

Games played -3,026-

Carrier RBI -1,951-
by Swankeddaddy September 12, 2009
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Stan is the kinda person you will not notice and when you do notice him he will change your world. He is very friendly and sometimes shy! He is always happy and will bring out all the smiles in you. He is very active and loves his bike. This kinda boy is all country and ussualy lives on a farm with a big family. He is very smart. He can out smart most people. He loves hanging out with his close friends. Even though sometimes he can be really stuburn and belives he is the one that is always right ! He is the best friend anyone could have !
by BananaLanana February 7, 2010
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(noun) a person who has dedicated their everyday life to supporting a show, celebrity, or public figure(s) via Twitter/Instagram; daily activities include stalking their location, being on top of their social media, being the first to repost big announcements/accomplishments event though everybody has already seen it, and using blocking features and profanity against anyone who says anything remotely critical about your idol; holds a much higher presence than a “fan”.
The Dancing with the Stars stans were not happy when James Van Der Beek was eliminated unjustly.
by dwtsshenanigans December 9, 2019
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by WORD123456789WORD February 15, 2022
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