1. Mid-level programming language that provides extreme versatility, given a willingness to perhaps spend months writing a program.

2. Grade earned as a direct result of sexual favors.

3. Right up there with capping rival drug dealers and playing out hos in the gangbangin' world.
1. #include <iostream>
int main()
{std::cout << "this is c++\n";
return 0;}

2. Michelle got a c++ because she went down on the teacher. Otherwise, she couldn't have managed an F.

3. Now that urbandictionary.com has definitions for c++, look for words like "accounting" and "1040EZ form", which are also closely linked to life on the streets.
by Al October 12, 2003
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I'd rather flip bits one by one with my bare hands hands than coding in C++. At least I won't lose my sanity.
by flip_master_harambe April 15, 2022
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&c. stands for et cetera which means "and so on", "and so forth". It may also be abbreviated as etc.
I like apples, bananas, pears, &c.
by by a lady October 6, 2010
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A fancy name for assembly language. It forms a chain:

C-- => C => C++ => C#
Mike: "What's better, C,C++ or C#?"
Steven: "Obviously C--, the lower the level of the language the better"
by Frikiboss June 19, 2021
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A very mad face used in instant messaging. Sometimes used in a sarcastic way.
Some guy: That's because you suck.
Some other guy: STFU >:c

Guy 1: can I haf ur car?
Guy 2: Yes. >:c
by Jombo June 2, 2008
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