A phrase uttered whenever a person makes a futile attempt at a witty remark or when they make a terrible joke that no one laughs at. This phrase usually comes after a long awkward silence after the person has made their corny comment or joke, at which point everyone around laughs at the offender.
<Person 1> Yo mama is so stupid, she sold her car for gas money.

(Crickets chirping)

<Person 2> Womp Womp Womp!
by Jorge Ragula July 1, 2007
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noise of failure or mocking someone who’s experienced something inconvenient.
oh my god, i hate my boyfriend so much!”
“womp womp.”
by dingusweewoo69 October 14, 2023
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A lighthearted phrase that indicates a loss.; A sound of loss heard on a gameshow. (first womp is a higher frequency sound than the second womp)
ex 1:
Friend 1: "Hey man, I can't find the list of people who were interested in joining the chess club"

Friend 2: womp womp, maybe it's a sign for you to stop being lame

ex 2:
Friend 1: HAHAHA, that girl didn't give you her phone number...wonk wonk.

Friend 2: What did you just say? The proper phrase is 'womp womp'. What are you? An idiot or something? womp womp.
by Perry Johnson August 15, 2006
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womp womp is a fun saying you can use with your friends and family preferably used after saying a dramatic event as a way to lighten the mood
we almost made them break up... womp womp
by rosslynchlover2005 July 6, 2019
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A particular German orcat’s calling card known by many this phrase can be used in a Myriad of ways. but really does not have a defined way to use in a sentence per say.
Womp womp’s in chat *proceeds to also say womp womp in a cute German accented voice*
by Trollkiller781 September 6, 2022
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