by namllrn April 28, 2004
by emma paige sullivan April 3, 2009
Dancing naked in front of the mirror after a shower, doing a backwards skip and shuffling your feet at the same time. Also can be used for celebrating a important moment in your life.
Dude i was in such a happy mood the other day, after i got out the shower, i busted into the B-Weez skank!
by xxx333xxx- January 7, 2011
Slang term for a male who is a bro and wears many fresh snap backs, also who enjoys NHL and xbox360, and "gets it in" on a regular bases.
kid 1>Yo weez muffin what you doing later?
weez muffin> Probably drinking some keystones since there so smooth then snipping top left. And finishing it off with a little nhl 08'.
weez muffin> Probably drinking some keystones since there so smooth then snipping top left. And finishing it off with a little nhl 08'.
by kc2013 January 4, 2011
An experssion used instead of jesus christ used by people who think jesus christ is blasphumus, usually used in england by middle aged men.
by The Koaladude September 10, 2005
by trill clinton May 17, 2014
eating ass with a spoon
that asshole! That Weezing Bag Of Dick Tips
by dildor defender of porn December 2, 2016