A clothing company based in Cape Cod for stuck up rich farts and ugly girls, who think they can some how transform themselves by wearing this overpriced and unattractive clothing brand.
Lets go waste 200 dollars on a Vineyard Vines belt.
by ShredGnar1234 June 24, 2009
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The Illest Slow pitch Softball team in Pleasanton California.
The Vineyard Villains haven't lost to Nad's for 5 years! Yeyeye!
by Dval wit Style March 9, 2010
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derived from the terms "dickable" and "vineyard" as defined by urban dictionary

a slang term for a divinely fuck-able pair of breasts
"Man, Wendy sure has a hell of a dickable vineyard"
by Professor Gregory Myers Jr. January 16, 2014
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(Noun) a female body part with foliage; ideal for hidden tattoos
Female friend #1: "Where are you getting your tattoo?"
Female friend #2: "On my Martha's Vineyard!"
by bjuzy July 29, 2018
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The place where everyone that anyone goes in the summer. Kennedy's, Clintons, everyone in Connecticut, New York and Greater Boston area. The place is the shit where snotty kids ride around in their parents Range Rovers or slum it on their "beach" cars which are almost always a Jeep Wagoneer or first model Range Rover. Houses are all over 2 million and I feel bad for anyone who has to live there year round...becuase they clean up the houses of spoiled kids and deal with our shit. Because they have to. Oh ya the coke sucks there...
by Coke-head on the beach March 31, 2005
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the best vacation place in america. an island in the Atlantic that is next to nantucket. best places in MV are OAK BLUFFS, west tisbury, vineyard haven. fuck edgartown!
edgartown is for snobby ass bitches who have never seen the cool "real" part of MV, oak bluffs.
all the cook kids chill in oak bluffs BIATCH
by your best friend May 15, 2005
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Martha's vineyard is a perfect place off the coast of cape cod. If you do not stay in Edgartown you really are not in Martha's Vineyard. Its where the most beautiful houses, beaches and people are. If you are the crem de la crem of the vineyard you will have a parking spot with your name on it in Edgartown, be a member of the exclusive yacht club (which has a waiting list), and have a home over 15 million. When the sun goes down is when things in the vineyard get hot. The parties are not to be missed and being too drunk or on too many drugs does not exsist, it just adds to the spirit of this fantastic place.
My Martha's Vineyard To Do List:
Mix a Mimosa for breakfast
Go to the beach
Pour a few glasses of Pinot Grigo for lunch
Go back to the beach
Drink everything in the liquor cabinet (maybe blow something)
Go out and party
by lovin MV August 30, 2006
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