An person, usually a girl or at least claiming to be, on an internet forums or chatroom who ploys to get attention from the male members. Example: Aasha, of the AAHC.
A fanboy trollop is always using "ditsy" sentences, or trying to act "cute" by adding "ies" to the ends of a lot of different words. ("Clickies", "Okies", "Backies", ect.) Add nausea.
They also use retarded "cutesy" emotes, such as ^_^, ^_~, XD, ect.
The biggest fanboy trollop trait is denying that they enjoy all the attention. When brought to their attention, they will make a bogus claim, such as "That's not true. Its not my fault they like me. ^_^ I don't want all the attention ^_~ Okies?"
All in all, although the most useless of all internet users, they are sadly the most popular, as there are countless retarded, 12 year old boys on the internet.
Fanboy 1: Oh, Aasha, I love you.
Aasha: Well, thankies! ^_^
Fanboy 2: I love you, too!
Aasha: Oh, you're so nice. ^_~
Person above 12: You're such a fanboy trollop.
Aasha: That's not true. Its not my fault they like me. ^_^ I don't want all the attention ^_~ Okies?
by Twin_Uzis August 8, 2006
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An individual who is attracted to or engages in promiscuous behavior with whores, sluts, or women who dress like prostitutes or are of shady character.
Ben knew he was such a trollop lover when his whole paycheck was spent in a night at the local strip club.
by judunnome January 22, 2012
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"Hunter is my everything"

Oh, Jesus. He must be a man trollop!
by katshoe November 20, 2010
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"Trollop Life" not to be confused with an actual Trollop; see "Trollop".

Trollop; fun seeking, adventure loving, positive thinking, sea shell eating, booze drinking, scuba diving, nature needing, critter poking, bicycle riding, glamping, hardworking, caring, non judgmental when qualifying in all other areas women!
That girl lives the "Trollop life." She is fun seeking, adventure loving, positive thinking, sea shell eating, booze drinking, scuba diving, nature needing, critter poking, bicycle riding, glamping, hardworking, caring, non judgmental when qualifying in all other areas women!
by Corara2 August 15, 2015
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A small man that persistently tries to crawl under your table while you eat. Can be referred to as trollopy bung-hole when he succeeds in going under the table.

Me: "This chicken's nice isn't it..."
Bung trollop: (under the table) "Give me some!"
by Joel Matlin April 2, 2007
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1.A male whore who sell him self for protection

2.Morgan slut
Morgan is the worst man trollop
by petterson February 27, 2005
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