When you steal somebody’s girl. Mainly your bestfriends.
He was Troying all his friends the other night at the movies.
by Arock1916 January 21, 2018
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The nicest guy you will ever meet. Always super attractive and dresses really attractively. Has the most gorgeous baby blue eyes that will make you melt once you catch a glance. he's a total romantic, but will make you wait and prove yourself. Troy is also probably the funniest person you will ever meet, like comparing him to Kevin Hart is reasonable. He's definitely worth anything you have to give, especially time. Troy will make you fall in love with him.
girl 1:Damn did you see that new kid, troy?!
girl 2: OMG yaasss he is sooo hot! DIBS!!!
girl 1: Okay then?
by Ajade26 December 26, 2014
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literally the coolest person you will ever meet. his jokes are the best and it’s not possible to not have fun when he’s around. he joke around and tell you his funny stories of him when he was younger. i hope you troy is as cool as my troy -bridget
get you a Troy like Troy Wingfield
by your favorite , bridget November 3, 2019
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troys are very caring but he does have anger issues and he can be pretty controlling..... troy can be nice but not very often he tends to think he knows everything which is a red flag if you ever come across a troy just know you may think hes nice but once you get to know him....... uh ya..... hes not very nice to be around...
"troy was being kinda mean today..."

"really he was nice to me"
by jadascool May 17, 2022
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Probably really short. Might have a superiority complex, but has a sense of humor.. I think
"oh look at that dude, what was his name again"
"It was troi"
by nahyuckriceseller October 19, 2021
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"Yo have you ever been to Troy?"

"YES! Turkey is so much better than Greece"

"Say Vallah bro"
by kordug March 15, 2009
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Greek mythology states that: A Troy is a monster that lives under your bed and when you are sleeping he has sex with you, you might not know that it happened, but he just cummed on your face like 5 hours ago and i saw it, his cum is like glue man.
Aaron: Hey Danton whats on your face?

Danton: Aw man... It must have been another Troy, they keep doing me in my bed.

Aaron: Nice one faggot, by the way. Your not good your bad.
by d0ughb0y October 26, 2008
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