Man, ive had to throw down all day, my stomach is killing me.
by B.F.K. September 18, 2003
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The act of expelling waste similar in color and consistency to vomit, though expelled through the rectum rather than the mouth. It may be accompanied by sounds similar to those made while vomiting as well. See ass vomit
Anne: "Tommy, what did I tell you about throwing up on the carpet?"
Tommy: "I didn't throw up, I threw down!"
Anne: "Well, as long as you were really throwing down..."
by MaceDecade January 8, 2009
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flailing your arms franticly, and kicking in random directions,
(fighting invisible ninja's)

Usually done at Hardcore concerts/ gigs. eg: Deathcore, Metalcore
Jake:I was headbanging and then Reilly from Behold Thy End was throwing down, and he punched me several times in the face

Ben: Dude, thats brutal.
by the nice sky. November 21, 2009
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To approach a girl and engage in conversation
In a night club situation 'What the hell are you waiting for man? Throw Down!' -make your life more interesting
by Craig Barber January 18, 2005
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to do something good or to defend oneself well
man I saw the show the dancers were throwing down

when they got mad it turned into a real throw down
by greg pope December 18, 2004
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to totally nail every trick you do during snowboarding, skating, biking, etc... usually to impress a large number of people or to get on the cover of magazines of your respected sport.
1.)"dude we were totally throwing down for that boarding expo."

2."Hey, snowboarder magazine is gonna have a photoshoot up in tahoe so me and tim are gonna be throwing down up there, wanna come?"
by boardsport7 January 27, 2008
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