Using your shit covered penis as a cooking utensil to avoid making more dirty dishes.
After Connor fucked Kylie in the ass he used his penis as a Muddy Spatula to mix some brownie batter so he wouldnt have to do the dishes again.
by DieselJesus69 October 18, 2019
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When a fart is so raunchy, it's as if the jaws of hell opened due to Satan's craving to slap you in the face with his personal spatula. It's bad.
"Holy shit dude, what'd you eat? I was just slapped by satan's spatula!"
by thunderpussycocksmack August 11, 2009
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a large head garment applied to an unsuspecting and rather speshed out member of a social group which is fashioned by attaching a cheese grater to the handle end of a spatula (preferably stainless steel) with duck tape and then to their head, and observe as they flounder about trying to remove it. It is renowned for its humorous effect.
what the fuck is this on me head that's a head spatula Gary ooh I'll get you back for this you little turd stroking spunk slurper. I'm sure you will Gary. I'm sure you will.
by jooles_vega April 12, 2010
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(n.) phrase to yell during road rage to confuse the hell out of someone. (n.) tool used in cooking, like a grilled cheese.
driving woman: " learn how to drive asshole!!!!!!"
Jay: " shut up you fucking spatula!!"
by christinapian August 9, 2006
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1-a cup with a spatula
2- a very important thing or person in your life
Person1: your my spatula cup
Person2: what does that mean
Person1: very important person

everyone: awwwwww 🥰
by tounge__kid January 16, 2020
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When you blow your load into a "special friends" hand and then take their hand and slap their face with it.
DUDE she gave me the handback last night so I had to finish her off with the dirty spatula
by Space Monkey 4 life August 5, 2015
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a person who is able to (at least temporarily) change another person's sexual preference; a person capable of "turning" another person
Jenn saw a hot guy at the gay club and desperately wanted to be his sexual spatula.
by Brad C. February 4, 2004
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