An annoying Artificial Intelligence bot that exists on the Discord platform.
It learns from its users and is very annoying to talk to.
Nobody likes Nebula.
by Nebula Bot January 30, 2020
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A gravity void nebula is a common anomoly that occurs inside of toilets where ones dick will acctualy fly upwards instead of hanging down when one sits on it.
Yea i have to hold my dick down because i have a Gravity Void Nebula in my toilet.
by abbe1123 January 8, 2017
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A Nebula is a type of person who is a complete dickhead, you may call someone 'A Nebula' if they are heavily queer .

This name comes from the actual definition of nebula being a cloud of dust and gas in space which is were the name comes from, as this person is usually just spouting absolute nonsense (hence the gas part) in space as no one wants to be near them.
"That guy/girl is such a nebula."
by The Lonely Child August 17, 2019
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“After I ate this girls ass, I fed her my bronze nebula.”
by Cake Team69 November 4, 2017
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When a male or female doesn't shave themselves down there for a period of 1 year or more. The resulting growth is classified as a crotch nebula.
Man, I totally misread that one. She had a crotch nebula under there.

Sorry bro, I can't come grab a beer, I need to go shave my crotch nebula.
by Medicus007 February 8, 2016
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is “i’m a bottom” in chinese
he used “off nebula” as his discord name cause he was too scared to admit to being a bottom
by mommyissues October 26, 2020
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