A disney channel robot, star of Hannah Montana, and obv, the ugliest girl I have seen to date. She parades around in her underwear like its okay. She sends grossly innapropriate pictures to people, thinking there not gonna get on the Internet. Shes gonna be a washed-up Disney Channel star one day, probably paying for rent, by standing at a corner. Her fathers washed up too, and theres nothing to help his "Achy-Breaky Heart." I hope everyone knows how much of a slut Miley is, and how bad a role model she is. IF you say different, your fucked in the head.
"Ugh, your being such a goddamn Miley Cyrus"

Daughter: "Mom, I wanna be like Miley Cyrus."
Mom: "Honey, please don't use that word around the house."
by Hallee Jonas July 13, 2008
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I wonder who will take Miley's virginity? The way she likes to dress, shes just asking for it. Thats what alot of people wanna know.
Who will nail Miley Cyrus? Some hollywood bad boy?
by IwannaBangMiley April 1, 2008
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An ugly bitch with no features -- no breasts, no butt, UGLY. And she can't sing at all. She lipsyncs all of her concerts.
Man #1: Did you see Hannah Montana last night?
Man #2: I won't even look at that shitty show until Miley Cyrus "grows up".
by Big Dong Long Wong April 15, 2008
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1.) a young, sweet child star from the show Hannah Montana
2.) a bat-shit, crazy young adult that likes to twerk and swing naked on a wrecking ball
1.) Miley Cyrus is going to announce that she is really Hannah Montana!
2.) Oh God, why did this happen? What happened to the good Miley? Miley Cyrus needs to get some clothes on.
by TheWTF Lady February 4, 2014
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1. The worlds deadliest weapon, has been known to destroy worlds with just one verse from her music
2. The Daughter of country star Satin, um i mean Billy Ray Cyrus
3. Disney Drone, known for brain washing millions of children between the ages of 3-14 with her music
4. Also known as Hannah montana, Teenage "Pop" star and failure to the Human race.
Man 1 -" Hey have you seen the new Miley Cyrus concert!!! "
Man 2 - Why would I Miley cyrus sucks!"
Man 1 - "Yea but shes hot! "
Man 2 - " Are you Gay or something?"
Man 1 - "yes..."
by Fanofrealmusic April 4, 2009
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1) A wanna be rock star.
2) a pot head that hipnotized nick jonas.
3) a scam artist that makes bunch of money off poor, innocent young children.
4) pretends to be pure. (deep down she know she dirty)
Girl- "mommy i want to go see a hannah montana concert."
mom-"sure honey"
...... (mom logs on computer to get tickets.)
One ticket allllllll the way to the back. where you cant even see the stage. price cost $ 3,000
Show time.
Hannah Montanna barley performes, miley cyrus hogs up the whole space. singing songs inapproate for minors.

by nichole choden January 29, 2009
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Also known as Miley Whorus, Smiley Walrus, Miley Hoes-R-Us, and (sigh) Hannah Montana.

Most known (by teenage boys, and 50 year old couch potatoes living in their mothers' basements) for her oh-so-glamourous self-portrayal in only her underwear.
For someone who makes so much money, it sure seems like she can't afford pants. & some tops, for that matter.

So from all of us here in the real world, we'd like to congratulate Miley on her instant success as masturbation material, and encourage her to succeed as a human being.

props. :
Wtf is that chick wearing? Is that even legal? God, she's such a Miley Cyrus.

Booty shorts? Your girlfriend came to your grad in booty shorts? Honey, she's a Miley.

by fuckinngggskanks:] December 23, 2008
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