A dumbass who can't follow the boucing ball
Now listen here buster
by 69cookie666 February 13, 2016
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A bad ass mother fucker who will take no shit from nobody
That boy is about to have the buster knocked out of him
by Lad of the banter January 6, 2015
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To do something so horrible, that people are shocked and offended just hearing about it. For example lying about being shot to your friends just to gain sympathy or beating up your girlfriend.
Person 1: "Did you hear about that guy that gave his girlfriend two black eyes?"
Person 2: "Bruh, that's really buster!"
by Boomerang102 December 18, 2018
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A demening insult suggesting the recipient is an unwanted or illegitimate child due to a condom break.
Hey… buster…your car is in the way.
by Another old guy July 31, 2018
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This is the kind of guy that makes all the men around him instantly homosexual, it’s an odd trait, and no girls ever like him because when he’s around all the guys are busy humping Buster.
Guy 1 “Hey bro did you see that Buster’s in town?”

Guy 2 “Yeah man I totally wanna fuck him!”

Guy 1 “Wait but what about your girlfriend?”

Guy 2 “Who cares as long as my thirsty lips are covered in his hot juicy semen.”

Guy 1 “Same bro!”
by Ur sick November 24, 2021
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A person who is acts all hard and gangsta, but when the time comes pussies out and is afraid to ride.
Call up Big Willie to ride with us on the crime. Hell no ! That fools a buster!
by shotgun_mike November 8, 2018
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